10 Witchy Wellness Activities

12 minutes

Activities for Witchy Wellness

There are so many reasons why a witch needs to invest in her mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. For one, we utilize and channel energy in much of our rituals, our spell work, and even in our daily activities. Staying in balance is essential for everything from casting an effective spell to completing a reiki attunement.

Self-care and self-love are also essential for every person. Regardless of what we do for a living, how we identify, who we consider part of our family, or who we love – we must fill our emotional “tank” in order to fill the tanks of others. If we do not replenish our energy and our spiritual or emotional nourishment, we will not be able to assist our clients, our children, our partners, or even ourselves.

Thankfully, there are so many ways you can engage in emotional wellness, emotional well-being, and self-care. Since there are so many available activities, there is something for every type of witch. Here is a list of wellness ideas that are sure to resonate with you. Pick a few to do during your next #SelfCareSaturday or make a list of your favorites to practice over the next month. We would love to hear what you like best!

1. Meditation

Meditation is a practice that is integral to many spiritualities and walks of life. It is also an excellent healing tool for your body and brain. If you are wondering what is meditation, it is also about enhancing your self-awareness and allowing yourself to see new, healthy perspectives. Learning to meditate is a skill that takes practice, but the benefits of mindfulness can help you to rest in the present moment. It can also help you with rituals, spellwork, and practicing alternative forms of healing, therapy, and medicine.

If you are a witch who is new to meditation, Namaste, and welcome to the practice! Do not be intimidated – even seasoned witches, spiritualists, and meditation practitioners find it difficult from time to time to keep the mind quiet. The key is to stay disciplined and practice daily. Even five minutes to start can help you clear your mind, de-stress and re-energize.

A few different resources can help to teach you how to meditate. The experts at Mindful.org provide a basic meditation guide for beginners, while the GAIAM community is an excellent place to start learning about techniques and benefits. You can also find meditation smartphone apps, mindfulness courses, and classes online, and books at your favorite online retailer. With regular meditation, you just may discover that your emotional wellness and your witchcraft practice are enhanced or improved.

2. Visualization

If you are familiar with mindfulness meditation, you may also know about visualization. This is a method of visualizing images or ideas, which is also known as visualization meditation, may also include affirmations, symbols, or mantras. In visualizing on repeat or for a period of time, the practice is intended to manifest the desired result.

The act of visualization is important for witches – and can be beneficial for your mental health – because it can help to put yourself in a more positive mindset than you were before. This type of meditation is also said to help relieve stress, anxiety, and loss of focus.

The key idea here is to meditate on and visualize positive imagery. If you need a quick mental pick-me-up in the middle of the day, practice visualizing your favorite nature scene, like a tropical beach or a glistening forest. You can also use these skills to visualize for spell work, spiritual meditation, and ritual.

3. Yoga

Besides walking outdoors, in nature, there is perhaps no physical activity beloved more by the witchy community than yoga. Why is it such an excellent exercise and spiritual practice? It combines meditation, deep breathing, cardiovascular activity, and strength exercises for a whole body workout that also helps you with focus, discipline, and stress relief.

A workout like yoga is appropriate for all fitness levels, ages, and body types — all you need to do is find a flavor of yoga that works for you. Begin with an introduction to the basic types of yoga so you can dive into the most appropriate practice for your needs. Explore the different styles as you wish – just be sure to consult with a doctor if you have questions about yoga after surgery or yoga with a health condition.

If you are not new to yoga but would like to do it more often, consider downloading a yoga app on your smartphone. You can also find online classes and courses for purchase. Read more about the physical benefits of yoga or the benefits of yoga for mental health. Since it is a holistic self-care and health activity, we recommend doing it as much as possible. 🙂

4. Reiki

Reiki is a form of energy healing that is also quite popular within the witchy and spiritual community. Receiving a Reiki attunement can help you to clear energy blockages and may even help you to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Here at Mental Health for Witches, we believe in the necessity of energy grounding and healing so very much. While it is often termed an “alternative” form of medicine, even hospitals and clinics such as Johns Hopkins University employ Reiki practitioners. You can even find reiki professionals online or in your local community.

Find a Reiki professional you trust – or learn how to do Reiki on yourself. It is up to you. Some witches like to have the healing provided by someone other than themselves, while others prefer the personal experience. Remember, everyone is unique.

You can learn more about the origin and history of Reiki here. You can also explore more of the health benefits of Reiki from Healthline. For more information about Reiki sessions with an MHW affiliate focused on mental health and emotional wellness, please Contact Us and let us know you are interested in a Reiki professional.

5. Aromatherapy

Aromatic materials like essential oils are at the heart of aromatherapy. Compounds from Mother Nature, which include herbs and plants, are thought to enhance certain elements of well-being and help to put you in an improved state of being. For example, lavender, vetiver, and rose are just some of the aromas that can help you to relax and unwind. Some of the most energizing essential oils include sweet orange, peppermint, and rosemary. You may find that other scents speak to you, like patchouli, ylang-ylang, or spearmint. This is great!

As we always say at MHW, everyone is different – so if there is a smell that makes you feel complete, have at it! If you are like our founder Amber Grimes and you are captivated by scents, aromatherapy just may be one of your favorite self-care activities. If you are new to aromatherapy or have questions about which scent or practice may be right for you, consider speaking to an aromatherapist. Contact Us for information on aromatherapy recommendations or aromatherapy consultations.

A word of caution: Before you begin aromatherapy at home, be sure to read a guide to aromatherapy safety. For instance, you should never put concentrated essential oils directly on your skin. Experiment with topicals, personal diffusers, and even aromatherapy jewelry. The aromatherapy world is yours.

6. Forest Bathing

Forest bathing is a Japanese activity that found its way to the West. You may also know it as nature therapy or ecotherapy. There doesn’t need to be any water involved, but you can certainly incorporate it. Instead, forest bathing or nature therapy implies the act of immersing yourself within the middle of a forest, taking in all of its sights, sounds, and smells.

Nearly every witch loves frolicking in the forest, so this wellness activity is hard to beat. After all, it combines everything you need to stay healthy: physical activity, plenty of sunshine and oxygen, and a serene setting. Forest bathing also has measurable health benefits as published by the National Library of Medicine. In addition to reducing pulse rate, ecotherapy can also help to reduce fatigue, anxiety, depression, and confusion.

Start with a forest, preserve, trail, or park near your home. Journal about how you feel when you spend time in the woods. If you like forest bathing, branch out. Visit different nature sites in your county, state, or country. You may even decide to cast a circle or a spell while you’re out there.

7. Massage

A professional massage is not only relaxing; it can also help increase circulation in the body, reduce muscle tension, and decrease feelings of stress or anxiety. If you would like to reap the benefits of massage at home, you can also perform a self-massage on certain parts of your body, such as your arms, legs, or scalp.

A regular massage is an excellent strategy for keeping your whole body feeling great. It can also help to reduce your feelings of stress over time. Completing a self massage before a meditation, visualization, or some spell work may help to get you in the right mindset, especially if you are sensitive to touch.

Learn how to do a self-massage from Healthline, then set out some time daily to help your muscles release and unwind. Combine your self-massage techniques with self-reiki sessions, aromatherapy, or crystal therapy to reap additional benefits.

8. Dance

Dance has been used for eons as a form of emotional and spiritual release. No matter what you’ve been through, the performing art of dance you can help to purge negativity and raise good vibes by dancing in a drum circle, enjoying your favorite positive playlist, or taking part in a class or creative group.

If you are feeling like a god(dess) while you are dancing, the practice is working. Like making music or making love, dancing can be a direct connection to your heart and the spiritual world. For those who think they “can’t dance,” we say that is nonsense! Dancing is all about how you feel inside. Just play a song and move to the beat. Let yourself go. Let yourself be moved by the Spirit. Let yourself be enlivened by the Goddess until you feel you cannot dance anymore!

When beginning to dance as a spiritual practice, here are a few simple tips: dance alone if you would like to or need to. For many witches, solo dancing allows us to be ourselves and get the most out of the practice. Experiment with different styles, tempos, or settings until you find the experience that resonates with you. Let yourself make any movement or sound that you would like.

9. Spiritual Bath

Many witches and spiritualists take a spiritual bath when celebrating a Full Moon or before beginning their ritual work. If you are not familiar with spiritual bathing, it is an act that combines body and spirit. It is intended to remove psychic, physical, and spiritual excess and negative energy. It will also help you to set the tone for your upcoming ritual or meditation. The more relaxed and ready to receive that you are, the better the outcome.

Other benefits of spiritual baths or spirit baths include enhanced circulation, better skin health, and the relief of muscular pain. It is important to note, however, that these benefits may be achieved by combining your spiritual experience with bath, beauty, or health products. For example, saltwater baths are often used to help relieve sore joints and draw impurities from the body.

To make the most of your spiritual bath, gather the ingredients that will get you in a witchy mood. Bath soaks, soaps, and moon water are just a few of the products that you can incorporate into your routine. Lavender and jasmine are great for releasing stress and cultivating calm vibrations. As you draw your bath, add crystals, candles, incense, music, or aromatherapy to further unlock the spiritual corners of your mind and feel better inside and out.

10. Reading

We are pretty hard-pressed to find a witch that doesn’t like to read. In fact, most witches consider reading and learning essential to furthering their practice. Read for fun when you need to de-stress or create positive emotions. You may also decide to pick up a witchy book here and there to learn more about your craft. Some of the most popular books for witches and spiritualists involve subjects like crystals, candle magic, and sigils. You can also learn more about mythology, angels, and traditions like Wicca.

Are you more of a kitchen witch? Pick up educational, non-fiction books about herbs, cooking like an alchemist, or magickal baking. Other fun ideas for a good read include books on astrology, tarot reading, and celebrating Pagan holidays.

You may also be interested in a self-help book that doesn’t involve witchcraft. As long as it helps you cope or achieve your wellness goals, do not limit yourself to one style of writing or one flavor of author. Many of us empaths in the witchcraft community have also dealt with tough situations like trauma, abuse, or neglect. We may also have a mental health diagnosis or condition. The important thing is to enjoy your self-care activities and be committed to a life of self-improvement. This is the life of a witch. 🙂

Finding Your Witchy Wellness Routine

These are just some of the ideas that combine physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness and allow you to unwind or de-stress. If you have other ideas for what we should add to the list, we would love to hear from you. DM us on Instagram or Twitter with your thoughts.

We also encourage you to push forward in your journey toward better mental health or emotional wellness. Visit our Resources page to get started.